The development of Karlovy Vary has always been connected to the curative effect of the local mineral springs. The town was founded in the mid-14th century by the Czech king and Roman emperor Charles IV, who discovered the hot springs during one of his hunting expeditions. Thanks to their healing properties, Karlovy Vary quickly became an important spa destination.

A walk through the city offers a magnificent view of the beautiful architecture, which includes elegant colonnades, historic buildings and scenic churches. The city has carefully preserved its historical charm while constantly modernising and developing. Visitors can admire the famous Spring Colonnade, Dvořák's Park or stroll along the picturesque Mill Colonnade.

Carsbad Plaza - Karlovy Vary Spring

Today's spa treatments involve drinking water from 15 mineral springs with temperatures ranging from 35 °C to 73 °C. The thermal springs, which are the foundation of the local spa industry, are used for drinking cures, baths and other treatments that promote health and well-being. Discover the charm of the picturesque colonnades, the wealth of natural resources, the magical natural beauty of the Ore Mountains, the architectural charm of cultural monuments and the multitude of sports activities that Karlovy Vary offers its visitors.

Karlovy Vary is also a center of cultural events. Every year the city hosts the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, which attracts filmmakers, celebrities and film enthusiasts from all over the world. This prestigious event gives the city a dynamic and cosmopolitan atmosphere.

Carlsbad Plaza - Karlovy Vary Cultural monuments

The ionized air, the unique natural environment and climate in the Karlovy Vary region have a beneficial effect on human health. The clean and fresh air that is characteristic to this spa city contributes to the overall well-being and health of its visitors.

Karlovy Vary has decided to become the first "smoke-free city" in the Czech Republic. The move is aimed at protecting the health of residents and visitors, maintaining air quality and promoting a healthy lifestyle, which is in accordance with the city's long spa heritage.

Smoking and passive smoking are health risks. The goal is to reduce these risks and improve the quality of life for everyone who lives in Karlovy Vary or comes here for treatment and relaxation.

The Carlsbad Plaza Hotel is a proud supporter of the "Karlovy Vary – Smoke-Free City" initiative. We believe that these steps will further increase the attractiveness of Karlovy Vary as a destination for all those seeking health, relaxation and natural beauty.


Our hotel now offers IQOS friendly rooms that are specifically tailored to the needs of guests who prefer less risky, smoke-free alternatives to conventional cigarettes.

Each of these rooms is equipped with a "Sticktray" - a tray for used tobacco refills, allowing guests to enjoy smoke-free facilities in the comfort of their room. If you are an adult smoker, you can rent and try IQOS for the duration of your stay, which is a better option for adult smokers. The IQOS friendly concept at our hotel is not limited to the rooms. You can also enjoy smoke-free products in the hotel's café and bar.

Carlsbad Plaza hotel - Iqos friendly