The Carlsbad Plaza 5* Superior is a luxurious Medical Spa & Wellness hotel situated in close proximity to the famous spa colonnades of Karlovy Vary. In historic buildings dating back to the 18th century, the hotel offers unique comfort, a personal approach, a wide range of services and above all an unforgettable experience.

Historic Hotel Carlsbad Plaza
from the past to the present

The history of today's Carlsbad Plaza Medical Spa & Wellness Hotel 5* Superior dates back to the late 19th century.

Don't miss the opportunity to visit Karlovy Vary, a city of healing mineral springs, rich history, stunning architecture and its surrounding nature. Discover the charm of picturesque colonnades, the wealth of natural resources, the magical natural beauty of the Ore Mountains, the architectural charm of cultural monuments and the multitude of sports activities that the city of Karlovy Vary offers to its visitors.

Hotel Carlsbad Plaza Colonnade Karlovy Vary