Thai massages are an effective therapy for muscle problems, but also for the treatment of long-term chronic diseases. During the massage, energy points in the body are flexed, stretched and pushed, optimizing energy flow in the body. The main purpose of Thai massages is to harmonize the mind and body. The induced state of harmony should then lead to a process of "self-healing". The basic principle of Thai massages is to positively influence the energy pathways (meridians) and energy centers (chakras) in the body by bending, stretching and pushing certain points (energy centers). This leads to the stimulation of energy flow and helps to remove energy blocks. A wide range of different types of Thai massages are available for you at the Carlsbad Clinic. Thai massages at Carlsbad Clinic are only performed by certified therapists with many years of experience. You can be sure that you will receive the best care.

History of Thai massages

The traditional art of Thai massage has been practiced almost unchanged for more than two thousand years. Jivaka, a close friend of Buddha, a physician, is considered to be the founder. His healing methods, complemented by traditional Chinese medicine as well as ancient Indian Ayurveda, were preserved by Buddhist monks in Thai temples. It is this touch with the world's medicines that has influenced the oriental procedure of Thai massages to this day. Thai massage is based on the healing theory of internal energy channels called SEN, through which we supply our own body with life energy.

Carlsbad Plaza Thai massage